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Lavorare all'estero negli Stati Uniti

Abbiamo ricevuto da parte dell'UIAGM la comunicazione in merito alla possibilità di lavorare nei Parchi degli Stati Uniti.
Qui di seguito la comunicazione e il documento relativo.

The Certified Guides Cooperative(CGC) is always working to gain access for AMGA Certified Guides and IFMGA Guides.

A big step for the organization was to apply for AMGA Accreditation. Certification and qualification of the guides has never been in question at the CGC. Accreditation looks at the business practices of an organization. The CGC is excited to have its organizational structure reviewed and we hope to see a positive result from the AMGA.

AMGA Accreditation would aid the CGC in obtaining more access on public lands in the United States. This would be a benefit to the domestic and international community. Additionally the CGC would then be able to work with the AMGA on a continuing basis to support the community of guides and grow the profession.

CGC Member-¬‐Guides work at home and around the world using the CGC insurance and permits. Trips in Europe, Canadian National Parks and expeditions to Asia are some of the highlights of international use. Yet few foreign guides ask about the CGC and how we can help them to gain access to lands in the United States.

Along with the AMGA the CGC would like to be a resource for guides who wish to come to the United States. If you are interested in doing so, please contact the coop at [email protected].

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